My name is Martin Stott. I spent many years as a sustainable development practitioner, focussing on the local. Much of my career was in local government, but in different ways my whole working life has been devoted to sustainable solutions.
My website is a natural development of the approach I have always taken, exploring local solutions to global issues. I post articles of interest regularly, and have a fairly light-hearted blog writing as Lord Muck. I also ‘tweet’ regularly and you can follow me @MartinStott65.
I have also expanded my horizons to include much greater emphasis on my work as a socially engaged documentary photographer, something I have been on and off for over 40 years. My first on-line exhibition hosted by the Birmingham University-based Arts of Place opened in January 2021 and my first photobook Wear a mask! Oxford pandemic portraits is due out with Signal Books in September 2021.
Since I retired from local government I have branched out into work with the charity and voluntary sector. I am Chair of Writers in Oxford, and have a close association with the Association of Chairs – the organisation for chairs of UK voluntary organisations. I was a member of the steering group of their Beacon Project, which ran from 2018-20, a programme to support the chairs of smaller charities.
I am a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and write a column for the Town & Country Planning Association’s journal Town & Country Planning. Those pieces are reproduced in my ‘Articles’ section.
Do get in touch.