Articles in the Politics category:

Colin Ward and the art of everyday anarchy

July 9, 2024

This is the first full length biography of Colin Ward, the one hundredth anniversary of whose birth is in August 2024.  Ward who died in 2010 lived for almost half a century with the title of Britain’s most famous anarchist, yet he would have been bemused at the idea that he was famous. This biography […]

Our National Parks at seventy

October 11, 2019

This autumn marks the 70th anniversary of the passage of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act. The then Minister of Town and Country Planning, Lewis Silkin, described it as ‘the most exciting Act of the post War Parliament’ (1) A big claim, but it was certainly of a piece with the Labour […]

A Green New Deal: can it fly?

August 3, 2019

Readers with long memories will recall the Green New Deal group that produced series of proposals more than a decade ago including a booklet entitled ‘Green New deal’ (1). Convened by the New Economics Foundation, it set out an ambitious set of proposals for a just climate transition in the dying days of the last […]

Hello disaster capitalism?

April 18, 2019

It is twelve years since Naomi Klein first coined the term ‘disaster capitalism’ (1). She was describing   the way corporations and the politicians linked to them, especially but not exclusively in the USA, used disasters, whether they be climate-related, military interventions or coups, major terrorist attacks, or other moments of crisis as opportunities to drastically […]

Doughnut economics

October 8, 2017

There is a long tradition of books about what is wrong with conventional economics; ‘Limits to Growth’ for example, was published 45 years ago.  The intervening years have seen quite a few of their ideas absorbed into mainstream thinking and some of their prophesies come to fruition. But It is a cause of frustration to […]

An accidential exit

July 12, 2016

So David Cameron was caught on mike humming, as he returned to Downing Street after announcing that he would step down as Prime Minister on Wednesday. The commentators have been unanimous in describing his Premiership as a failure that will be remembered for the loss of the EU referendum. Quite rightly so. But how did […]

Brexit: why was it such a surprise?

June 25, 2016

Over the past few week I have been sending out notes to friends abroad on the way the Referendum campaign has been shaping up. They weren’t very long, detailed  or analytical because I’ve spent a lot of time on street stalls, handing out leaflets, delivering posters and leaflets, canvassing households, and ‘knocking up’ known ‘Remain’ […]

Climate change as a moral issue

October 16, 2015

Until recently the connection between the Catholic Church and sustainable development hasn’t seemed very obvious. Indeed Catholic doctrine on birth control has perhaps been its most important intervention and that has not been seen by many, including Catholic’s, as very helpful. So the papal Encyclical on global climate change Laudato Si’,  published in June has […]

Cultural capital: creative Britain in the age of New Labour

June 24, 2015

Robert Hewison is a cultural critic and in his book – Cultural capital,  he turns his sights on what he characterises as the ‘rise and fall of creative Britain’, charting this process from the period when Tony Blair became leader of the Labour Party in 1994 and the term ‘Cool Britannia’ was coined, more or […]

Devolution comes to the cities?

March 27, 2015

It has been interesting times for localists since the Scottish Referendum. The result and the fallout has had a bigger impact on the governance of Britain debate than some in Westminster and Whitehall seemed to imagine. This is mainly because of the ‘solemn vow’ made by the three party in the days just before the […]